The future of nursing starts here
Nurses make up the largest segment of our health care workforce, caring for patients across the lifespan in a multitude of settings—clinics and hospitals, universities, policy, government, schools and more. With a degree from WSU Vancouver College of Nursing, you can address the need for change in our health care system while providing proficient, evidence-based patient care and research.
Accredited academic programs for licensed RNs
Get started. Choose the program that’s right for you.
WSU Nursing news
Top-tier research university
Faculty and students are engaged in research initiatives aimed at sustaining and improving health both locally and globally. As a land-grant university ranked in the highest research category by the Carnegie foundation, we are committed to these core areas of research in our institution and college.
Concurrent Enrollment Program—work toward your BSN while completing your ADN!
The Concurrent Enrollment Program is for Clark College and Lower Columbia College nursing students who want to earn a BSN degree. The CEP lets you take RN to BSN courses during summers while completing your associate nursing degree. This option helps provide a seamless transition between your community college and WSU.
For more information
Jenny Schrock, Academic Coordinator,,or call 360-546-9618.
Wendy Ovall, Academic Coordinator, Graduate Nursing, or call 360-546-9350.